The New Science & Wisdom of Menopause Summit
The New Science & Wisdom of Menopause Summit

50 Experts Reveal Groundbreaking Solutions to Make Menopause Your Most Powerful Chapter Yet

BONUS! Register today & get instant access to “Beyond the Myths: Are Bio-Identical Hormones Right for You?”

Our summit experts have been featured in…

The Drs
first for women
good housekeeping
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womans world
home & family

We don't need more information. We need transformation.

That’s why I created this event. I handpicked experts with evidence-based approaches and successful client outcomes so you can benefit from their knowledge & wisdom to feel your best.

Is menopause turning your life into a hot mess?

Your summit host, Shivan Sarna

Do you feel like you’ve tried

Welcome to The New Science & Wisdom of Menopause Summit

Your compass for navigating this new chapter with confidence, clarity, & grace.

You deserve expert, evidence-based support, cutting-edge solutions, and a clear path forward. And that's exactly what these experts are here to give you.

This groundbreaking event brings together the compassionate experts who are redefining menopause care – the practitioners who are deeply committed to meeting women where they are in their menopause journey. These are the health providers who have gone above and beyond, seeking out the extra training and knowledge that medical schools often fail to provide. They understand that every woman’s menopause experience is unique, and they’re dedicated to providing the personalized support and innovative solutions that you deserve.

And now, you have the opportunity to learn from their collective wisdom, to access the life-changing conversations about health that are often missing from the doctor’s office. That’s why I created this event – to expand the dialogue around menopause and empower women with the knowledge and strategies they need to thrive. If you’re ready to transform your menopause experience and step into your most vibrant, empowered self… 

Summit Day #1

Streaming starts February 24th at 10am ET (ends February 25th at 10am ET)

The Gut Instinct: The Surprising Science of How Your Microbiome Controls Your Hormones, Your Mood, and Your Life
Partha Nandi, MD, FACP
Built to Last: How to Be in the Best Shape of Your Life in Menopause & Beyond The 3 Science-Backed Strategies to Drop Fat, Build Muscle & Age Powerfully
JJ Virgin, CNS, BCHN, EP-C
Fracture-Proof Your Bones
John Neustadt, ND
Reverse-Age Method: Transform Your Perimenopause Journey
Brie Wieselman, LAc, MTCM
How 14-Time Emmy Winner Reveals the Truth About Menopause
Tamsen Fadal, Journalist
Curing Chronic Urinary Tract Infections (Part 1)
Ruth Kriz, APRN
The Menopausal Microbiome: When Menopause Meets IBS (& SIBO)
Allison Siebecker, ND, MSOM, LAc
Got Meno-FOG: Could it be MOLD? (Part 1)
Jenny Tufenkian, ND
Wisdom in Menopause and Beyond- What IF the Best is Still to Come?
Barbara Barna-Abel, Life Coach
The Hidden Link Between Menopause and Digestive Health: Optimizing Your Liver, Bile, and Gallbladder
Sinclair Kennally, CNHP, CNC

Get INSTANT ACCESS to 3 of the masterclasses and start watching now! Then stay tuned for the official summit open to watch everything you see here.

Summit Day #2

Streaming starts February 25th at 10am ET (ends February 26th at 10am ET)

Hormone Havoc to Hormone Harmony: Hormones Done Right –The Toxin Gut Connection
Lorraine Maita, MD
Unmuting Menopause: Empowering Women Through Pelvic Floor Awareness
Jana Danielson, Pelvic Floor Expert
Curing Chronic Urinary Tract Infections (Part 2)
Ruth Kriz, APRN
The Role of the Gut Microbiome in Hormone Balance
Kiran Krishnan, Microbiologist
Does Menopause Shift the Risk for Diabetes?
Beverly Yates, ND
Defeating Dental Diseases the Bio-Logical Way (Part 1)
Barbara Tritz, BRDH, MSB, BSDATE
Why Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy is a MUST for Menopause
Benjamin Stills, NMD
Got Meno-FOG: Could it be MOLD? (Part 2)
Jenny Tufenkian, ND
Middle Age Health Woes? Discover the Mitochondrial Fix for Hormones, Brain Fog, and Digestion
Laura Frontiero, FNP-BC
The F. L. O. W. Approach to Menopause and Health
Kelly Kennedy, Lymph Queen

Get INSTANT ACCESS to 3 of the masterclasses and start watching now! Then stay tuned for the official summit open to watch everything you see here.

Summit Day #3

Streaming starts February 26th at 10am ET (ends February 27th at 10am ET)

Menopause Essentials: What Every Practitioner Must Know
Felice Gersh, MD
Why Standard Workouts Don’t Work in Menopause – And What to Do Instead
Debra Atkinson, Fitness Expert
The Role of Gut Health in Navigating Perimenopause
Mariah Prince-Allen, DNP, FNP-BC
From Stress to Serenity: How Quantum Biology Can Transform Menopause
Catherine Clinton, ND
Defeating Dental Diseases the Bio-Logical Way
(Part 2)
Barbara Tritz, BRDH
What Every Woman Needs to Know About Hair Loss
Julie Greenberg, ND, RH(AHG), MBA
Bias vs Belief vs Fact in Women’s Hormone Therapies
Robyn Kutka, ND
From Skinny Jeans to Sweatpants? Decoding the Menopause Metabolism Myth
Heathar Parisi, MSN, FNP-C
Beyond The Bucket List
Sita Sarna, Travel Expert
The Perimenopause Power Shift: Navigating Peri & Menopause with Confidence & Empowerment
Shay Pausa, Cancer Survivor

Get INSTANT ACCESS to 3 of the masterclasses and start watching now! Then stay tuned for the official summit open to watch everything you see here.

Summit Day #4

Streaming starts February 27th at 10am ET (ends February 28th at 10am ET)

Breast Implant Illness
Robert Whitfield, MD
How To Get A Buff Muff in Menopause
Kim Vopni, Vagina Coach
How Skincare and Hormone Disruptors Impact Your Symptoms
Trina Felber, RN
Unlocking the Connection: Scars, Lymph, and Hormones
Christine Schaffner, ND
The Future of Skincare: Energy-Infused and Holistically Inspired
Cathy Goldstein, AP, NCCAOM, Dipl.Ac
Unveiling the 5th Vital Sign: How Physiologic Hormone Therapy is Revolutionizing Women’s Health and Vitality
Rebecca Provorse, ND
You were meant to Pause: Embracing the magic of Meno(pause) (Part 1)
Sharon Stills, NMD
Caring For Ourselves – Caring For Others…Notice The Order
Sareen Sarna, Eldercare Expert
Sleep and Menopause(Part 1)
Mona Morstein, ND
Build Stronger Bones
Kevin Ellis, Bone Coach

Get INSTANT ACCESS to 3 of the masterclasses and start watching now! Then stay tuned for the official summit open to watch everything you see here.

Summit Day #5

Streaming starts February 28th at 10am ET (ends Mar 1st at 10am ET)

A Functional Approach to Menopause and what can make symptoms worse?
Kelly McCann, MD
Unlocking Mobility: How to Heal Frozen Shoulder & Boost Your Health with Fascia Decompression
Deanna Hansen, Block Therapy
Sleep Treatments: Herbs and More (Part 2)
Mona Morstein, ND
Healing the Autoimmune-Trauma Connection Through the Chakra System
Keesha Ewers, FMD
Ozone Therapy: How a relatively unknown therapy can help with menopause
Tobias Segal, Ozone Therapy Expert
Reclaiming Your Rhythm: How Physiologic HRT is Transforming Lives Across the Hormonal Spectrum
Rebecca Provorse, ND
You were meant to Pause: Embracing the magic of Meno(pause) (Part 2)
Sharon Stills, NMD
Mastering Perimenopause and Menopause
Nat Kringoudis, Hormone Expert
The Nervous System R.E.S.E.T.
Alex Howard, Trauma Expert
The Gut and Hormones Interplay: How the Gut Affects Hormone Health and Vice Versa
Lisa Shaver, ND, LaC

Get INSTANT ACCESS to 3 of the masterclasses and start watching now! Then stay tuned for the official summit open to watch everything you see here.

Summit Day #6

Streaming starts Mar 1st at 10am ET (ends Mar 2nd at 10am ET)

Gut Feeling: Rebalancing Hormones, Libido and Weight in Menopause
Betsy Greenleaf, DO, FACOOG (Distinguished), FACOG, FPMRS, FAAOPM, MBA
Beyond Calcium: The Ultimate Guide to Bone Health and Happiness During Menopause
Margie Bissinger, MS, PT, CHC
The Science Of Red Light
Andy Mant,
Energy Expert
Women’s Health: Fertility, Menopause, and Beyond
Alicia Galvin, MEd, RD, LD, IFNCP
Safe Hormone Replacement & Your Genetics (Advanced)
Betty Murray, PhD, CNS, MS, IFMCP
Breaking the Pain Cycle: The Secret to a Pain-Free Menopause
Rodger Murphree, ND
Hormone Testing: How to Identify Your Hormone Story
Liz Bartman, ND, BSc
The Perimenopause Hormone Reset
Jennifer Woodward, MS
Medical Mysteries: Metals and Stealth Infections – What you need to know for perimenopause, menopause, and beyond
Nafysa Parpia, ND
Beyond Hormones: Causes and Solutions for Low Libido, Pelvic Pain and Pain with Sex
Diane Mueller, ND, DAOM, LAc

Get INSTANT ACCESS to 3 of the masterclasses and start watching now! Then stay tuned for the official summit open to watch everything you see here.

Summit Day #7

Streaming starts Mar 2nd at 10am ET (ends Mar 3rd at 10am ET)

Your Hormones and an Unexpected Conversation about Alcohol
Tabatha Barber, DO, FACOOG, NCMP, IFMCP
Building Better Balance Now… To avoid future falls!
Ginny Hartnett, ATSI
From Anxious to Empowered Menopause: New Possibilities Where Medical Anthropology Meets Functional Medicine
Traci Potterf, PhD
Rock Your Menopause with Nutrigenomics: Unlock the Power of Your Genes for a Smoother Journey
Andreanna Rainville, RN, LMP
Your Menopause Microbiome (Advanced)
Betty Murray, PhD, MS, IFMCP
Debunking the Estrogen Myths: How HRT Can Support Heart Health, Brain Function, and Longevity
Karen Martel, Hormone Expert
Maintaining Intimacy During Mood Changes, Anxiety and Depression
Diane Mueller, ND, DAOM, Lac
Is It Mold Or Is It Menopause?
Peter Osborne, DC, PScD, DACBN
Personal Financial Mastery
Holly Carroccio, CFP, Finance Expert
The Intersection of Hormonal Imbalance, Gut Function and Leaky Gut
Angela Pifer, MS, FMN, LCN, CN

A generation of women were left behind. Not any more..

ruth kriz
My friend, Karen D, on a fearless dive (her first time!)
Lisa N beating her personal best at a mulit-day marathon

Get the answers to support yourself..

As you navigate the uncharted waters of menopause, your body is working overtime, desperately trying to maintain balance in the face of seismic hormonal shifts.

These changes are more than just skin-deep. They’re affecting every aspect of your health, from your heart and brain to your gut and emotions. And while the signs may be subtle at first, your body is sending out distress signals:

These aren’t just “normal” symptoms of aging. They’re your body’s way of crying out for help, pleading for the support it needs to thrive during this transformative time.

But here’s the good news: You don’t have to navigate this journey alone. The New Science & Wisdom of Menopause Summit is here to equip you with the tools, strategies, and support system you need to not just survive menopause, but to emerge from it stronger, healthier, and more vibrant than ever.

Decode your body’s signals and give it the support it’s craving, join us for this groundbreaking event. Your body will thank you.

Dr. Allison Siebecker (Summit Speaker)

The Secret Upside of Menopause They're Not Telling You

Hot flashes, mood swings, sleep issues – menopause can feel like a hormonal hurricane… WHAT IF this major life shift was actually a launchpad for your healthiest, most vibrant chapter?

Cutting-edge research is revealing how to flip the script on menopause. It’s not about just surviving – it’s about thriving like never before.

Ready to discover the truth about your changing body (and how to make it work for you)?

What you’ll discover in The New Science & Wisdom of Menopause Summit...

How to manage hormone shifts naturally and safely. Learn the latest on bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) so you can decide what’s right for you. #safeestrogen

Why gut health plays a crucial role during menopause and the best ways to support it. #nomoreIBS

How to protect your heart health. Cardiovascular disease is the #1 cause of death of women over 50. #livelongandprosper

What happens to your brain during menopause, and how you can stay sharp and energized. #saynotoalzheimers

How hidden toxins in beauty products impact your health in sinister and unexpected ways. #cleanbeauty

How stress and cortisol affect your menopause journey – and practical strategies for managing them. #breathe

How to keep your bones strong and protected. Osteoporosis and Osteopenia are on the rise. What steps can you take to avoid fractures and brittle bones#painfree

What to do about inflammation and unexplained joint pain – it’s not all in your head! #frozenshoulder

How to keep your teeth healthy and their relationship to the rest of your body. #keepyourteeth

Effective solutions for symptoms like low libido and fatigue – and how to improve your quality of life. #sexytime

Is Your Doctor Prepared for Your Menopause?

Every year, 47 million women worldwide enter menopause. Yet shockingly, this major life transition is barely a blip on the medical education radar.

A recent Mayo Clinic study revealed a startling truth: Many doctors feel woefully unprepared to support women through menopause. Why? Because most medical schools focus on reproductive health and fertility, leaving menopause as an afterthought.

The result? Millions of women struggling through hot flashes, mood swings, and sleep issues without the informed care they deserve. Their doctors, through no fault of their own, simply aren’t trained as menopause specialists.

This isn’t just a small oversight – it’s a massive systemic failure that leaves women navigating a hormonal hurricane without a compass.

A Personal Note from Your Host,

Shivan Sarna

I’m so thrilled you’re joining me for The New Science and Wisdom of Menopause Summit. Here is why this event is personally so important to me and why it is an honor to help you.

I watched my mom struggle through menopause without the right support or information. It broke my heart to see her so confused and frustrated. At the time, I had no idea what the word menopause meant and no one ever mentioned it at the time. I figured it out when I started to experience symptoms just like she had.

When my turn rolled around, I found myself in the same boat. For years, I brushed off symptoms as “just hormones” or “getting older.” Fatigue, osteopenia, bloating, weight gain, brain fog – you name it, I dealt with it. It felt like one big medical mystery, and I was determined to crack the code.

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That’s when I started talking to some incredible experts – the same ones you’ll hear from in this summit. It was like someone flipped on the lights. Suddenly, I understood what was happening in my body and, more importantly, how to take control.

This knowledge changed everything for me. It transformed menopause from something to dread into an empowering new chapter of life. And now? I’m on a mission to share this game-changing info with you.

That’s the whole reason behind The New Science and Wisdom of Menopause Summit. I’ve gathered top doctors, researchers, and experts to break down the science of menopause and give you practical tools to navigate this transition like a pro. Their wisdom, experience, cited studies and clinical pearls can change your life for the better. You can feel great again.

I’m thrilled to be your host and guide on this groundbreaking journey to menopause empowerment. As an investigative health advocate, bestselling author, and founder of the educational platform, Chronic Condition Rescue, I’ve made it my mission to revolutionize the way we approach, understand, and experience our health – and menopause is no exception.

Over the years, my work has helped millions of people worldwide navigate their health challenges with confidence and clarity. From the game-changing SIBO SOS® to the revelatory Digestion SOS® Docuseries, and the empowering SIBO & IBS Summits, Liver and Gallbladder SOS & Rescue Summit, and Lymphatic SOS & Rescue Summit, I’ve been dedicated to shedding light on the under-discussed, often misunderstood aspects of health that hold us back from living our best lives.

At the heart of my work is a simple but powerful mantra: “SOS: Save Our Selves.” I know that the key to unlocking your most vibrant, confident, and powerful self lies within you – and I’m here to connect you to the experts who have answers.

So if you’re ready to rewrite the narrative around menopause and embark on a life-changing journey of self-discovery and transformation, I invite you to join me for this groundbreaking summit. Together, let’s transform the menopause experience from one of silence and struggle to one of health, and connection.

I can’t wait to share this empowering adventure with you!


Let’s face menopause together, with the science, wisdom, and strength it deserves.

This is dedicated to you!
This summit is dedicated to all the women around the world who are facing the mystery of menopause, in particular, my sisters, and my best friend, Karen-and of course, my mother, the grandmothers, all the wise women who came before us all, and and those still to come…

The New Science and Wisdom of Menopause Summit equips you with the tools, knowledge, and the support you need to thrive in menopause and beyond.

You’ll gain insights from 50+ experts in the field, explore emerging research, and learn practical strategies to manage your symptoms and flourish during this time of life.

Whether you’re concerned about hormone replacement therapy (HRT), struggling with symptoms like hot flashes and fatigue, or curious about how menopause impacts your overall health, this summit covers it all.

Cyndi & family

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Demystified: Cut through the confusion and conflicting advice. Our experts give you the unbiased truth about the risks and benefits of HRT, empowering you to make the choice that’s right for your unique body and lifestyle.

Mastering Your Hormonal Symphony: Dive deep into the intricate dance of estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and thyroid hormones. Learn how to fine-tune your levels for optimal well-being and vitality, even as your body evolves through menopause.

Conquering Estrogen Dominance: Put your fears to rest and take control of your breast health, uterine health, and overall hormone balance. Our experts tackle the most pressing concerns head-on, providing you with strategies to prevent and manage issues like breast cancer, lumpy breasts, and fibroids.

Stress-Proofing Your Menopause Journey: Discover the hidden ways that stress and cortisol can sabotage your menopause experience – and learn proven techniques to tame tension, build resilience, and cultivate inner calm in the midst of midlife chaos.

Gut Check: Your Digestive Health Gameplan: Menopause and gut health are intimately linked – but no one’s talking about it. Until now. Our experts unveil the fascinating connection between your hormones and your microbiome, and provide a step-by-step protocol for keeping your digestion in top shape.

Protecting Your Smile Through the Menopause Transition: Your teeth are vulnerable during midlife – but with the right care, you can keep your smile bright and healthy for years to come. Get expert tips for safeguarding your dental health, even as your hormones shift.

Reigniting Your Libido, Rekindling Your Energy: Fatigue and low sex drive are two of the most frustrating menopause symptoms – but you don’t have to just grin and bear it. Learn practical, proven strategies for revving up your energy and desire, and rediscovering your passion for life (and love!).

The Menopause-Environment Connection: Could hidden environmental factors be aggravating your menopause symptoms? Our experts expose the surprising link between issues like mold exposure and midlife health – and provide a roadmap for creating a toxin-free haven to support your well-being.

Pelvic Floor Power and Bladder Bliss: Strengthen your most intimate muscles and take control of your bladder health with targeted advice from our experts. No more leaks, no more discomfort – just confidence and freedom to live your life to the fullest.

PLUS: We’re going beyond hormones to bring you essential guidance on the other pivotal aspects of midlife. From navigating elder care and end-of-life planning, to reinventing your career, to managing your finances with savvy and confidence – we’ve got you covered. Because thriving in menopause isn’t just about your physical symptoms; it’s about embracing this transformative season with wisdom, grace, and total empowerment.

sareen having the best time of her life

What Makes This Summit Special?

Immerse yourself in a groundbreaking series of over 50+ masterclasses (complete with slides and at least 3 cited medical studies per presentation) – it’s like attending an exclusive medical conference designed just for you, without ever leaving your living room!

Get ready for 50+ heart-to-heart masterclasses and over 10 dynamic interviews where Shivan asks the summit experts the burning questions about menopause that keep you up at night – There will be answers to questions you have and those you didn’t even realize you should be asking.

When you attend the summit you can count on feeling:

Attend for Free

If you are like me and super busy. I love a timely text letting me know a training I signed up for is starting. I have heard lots of other busy people in the community feel the same way. I don’t want you to miss a moment of this wisdom and science. My dentist starting texting reminders on the day of my apts. at first I was like this is silly and now I see how helpful it is! Text is an stress-free reminder that actually reaches you. See you there. We will not share your number.
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The New Science & Wisdom of Menopause Summit
The New Science & WIsdom of Menopause Summit

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