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Free Summit Access Action Package
Access to the 7-day premiere âś… âś…
Unlimited access to all 50+ masterclasses & 10 interviews❌ ✅
Transcripts (searchable, printable, with links to studies)❌ ✅
Links to the scientific studies referenced in the summit and in the interviews❌ ✅
Downloadable audio files to listen to the summit and the in-depth recordings on-the-go❌ ✅
Bonus gifts: The Lymphatic SOS & Rescue Summit, recipe collections and the 4-eBook Menopause Rescue Bundle❌ ✅

Own The New Science & Wisdom of Menopause Summit...

We’ve compiled essential information you need to know in one place—to give you the comprehensive answers and expert advice that, until now, have not been readily available.

You’ll get answers to the questions that matter the most:

How to manage hormone shifts naturally and safely. Learn the latest on bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) so you can decide what’s right for you. #safeestrogen

Why gut health plays a crucial role during menopause and the best ways to support it. #nomoreIBS

How to protect your heart health. Cardiovascular disease is the #1 cause of death of women over 50. #livelongandprosper

What happens to your brain during menopause, and how you can stay sharp and energized. #saynotoalzheimers

How hidden toxins in beauty products impact your health in sinister and unexpected ways. #cleanbeauty

How stress and cortisol affect your menopause journey – and practical strategies for managing them. #breathe

How to keep your bones strong and protected. Osteoporosis and Osteopenia are on the rise. What steps can you take to avoid fractures and brittle bones? #painfree

What to do about inflammation and unexplained joint pain – it’s not all in your head! #frozenshoulder

How to keep your teeth healthy and their relationship to the rest of your body. #keepyourteeth

Effective solutions for symptoms like low libido and fatigue – and how to improve your quality of life. #sexytime

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Menopause Summit - 50+ Masterclasses



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Menopause Summit - 80,000 Expected Participants



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Menopause Summit - 150+ Reference Studies


Reference studies

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Menopause Summit - Streaming Dates



In the New Science & Wisdom of Menopause Summit, we’ve gathered top women’s health experts and bringing their expertise right to your phone or computer!

The event you’re about to experience is like going to a conference without leaving your home, like a $5000 coaching program, packed with life-changing information from science backed research and years of experience. The information is actionable and you can make improvements right away. Today. Now.

This is not just about information - it’s about transformation!

These are the experts you need to know…

The Gut Instinct: The Surprising Science of How Your Microbiome Controls Your Hormones, Your Mood, and Your Life
Partha Nandi, MD, FACP
Built to Last: How to Be in the Best Shape of Your Life in Menopause & Beyond The 3 Science-Backed Strategies to Drop Fat, Build Muscle & Age Powerfully
JJ Virgin, CNS, BCHN, EP-C
Fracture-Proof Your Bones
John Neustadt, ND
Reverse-Age Method: Transform Your Perimenopause Journey
Brie Wieselman, LAc, MTCM
How 14-Time Emmy Winner Reveals the Truth About Menopause
Tamsen Fadal, Journalist
Curing Chronic Urinary Tract Infections (Part 1)
Ruth Kriz, APRN
The Menopausal Microbiome: When Menopause Meets IBS (& SIBO)
Allison Siebecker, ND, MSOM, LAc
Got Meno-FOG: Could it be MOLD? (Part 1)
Jenny Tufenkian, ND
Wisdom in Menopause and Beyond- What IF the Best is Still to Come?
Barbara Barna-Abel, Life Coach
The Hidden Link Between Menopause and Digestive Health: Optimizing Your Liver, Bile, and Gallbladder
Sinclair Kennally, CNHP, CNC

Get ongoing, on-demand access to 50+ Masterclasses, including slide decks and complete transcripts! And as a limited-time bonus, you’ll also get Shivan Sarna’s The Lymphatic SOS & Rescue Summit

Hormone Havoc to Hormone Harmony: Hormones Done Right –The Toxin Gut Connection
Lorraine Maita, MD
Unmuting Menopause: Empowering Women Through Pelvic Floor Awareness
Jana Danielson, Pelvic Floor Expert
Curing Chronic Urinary Tract Infections (Part 2)
Ruth Kriz, APRN
The Role of the Gut Microbiome in Hormone Balance
Kiran Krishnan, Microbiologist
Does Menopause Shift the Risk for Diabetes?
Beverly Yates, ND
Defeating Dental Diseases the Bio-Logical Way (Part 2)
Barbara Tritz, BRDH, MSB, BSDATE
Why Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy is a MUST for Menopause
Benjamin Stills, NMD
Got Meno-FOG: Could it be MOLD? (Part 2)
Jenny Tufenkian, ND
Middle Age Health Woes? Discover the Mitochondrial Fix for Hormones, Brain Fog, and Digestion
Laura Frontiero, FNP-BC
The F. L. O. W. Approach to Menopause and Health
Kelly Kennedy, Lymph Queen

Get ongoing, on-demand access to 50+ Masterclasses, including slide decks and complete transcripts! And as a limited-time bonus, you’ll also get Shivan Sarna’s The Lymphatic SOS & Rescue Summit

Menopause Essentials: What Every Practitioner Must Know
Felice Gersh, MD
Why Standard Workouts Don’t Work in Menopause – And What to Do Instead
Debra Atkinson, Fitness Expert
The Role of Gut Health in Navigating Perimenopause
Mariah Prince-Allen, DNP, FNP-BC
From Stress to Serenity: How Quantum Biology Can Transform Menopause
Catherine Clinton, ND
Defeating Dental Diseases the Bio-Logical Way
(Part 1)
Barbara Tritz, BRDH
What Every Woman Needs to Know About Hair Loss
Julie Greenberg, ND, RH(AHG), MBA
Bias vs Belief vs Fact in Women’s Hormone Therapies
Robyn Kutka, ND
From Skinny Jeans to Sweatpants? Decoding the Menopause Metabolism Myth
Heathar Parisi, MSN, FNP-C
Beyond The Bucket List
Sita Sarna, Travel Expert
The Perimenopause Power Shift: Navigating Peri & Menopause with Confidence & Empowerment
Shay Pausa, Cancer Survivor

Get ongoing, on-demand access to 50+ Masterclasses, including slide decks and complete transcripts! And as a limited-time bonus, you’ll also get Shivan Sarna’s The Lymphatic SOS & Rescue Summit

Breast Implant Illness
Robert Whitfield, MD
How To Get A Buff Muff in Menopause
Kim Vopni, Vagina Coach
How Skincare and Hormone Disruptors Impact Your Symptoms
Trina Felber, RN
Unlocking the Connection: Scars, Lymph, and Hormones
Christine Schaffner, ND
The Future of Skincare: Energy-Infused and Holistically Inspired
Cathy Goldstein, AP, NCCAOM, Dipl.Ac
Unveiling the 5th Vital Sign: How Physiologic Hormone Therapy is Revolutionizing Women’s Health and Vitality
Rebecca Provorse, ND
You were meant to Pause: Embracing the magic of Meno(pause) (Part 1)
Sharon Stills, NMD
Caring For Ourselves – Caring For Others…Notice The Order
Sareen Sarna, Eldercare Expert
Sleep and Menopause(Part 1)
Mona Morstein, ND
Build Stronger Bones
Kevin Ellis, Bone Coach

Get ongoing, on-demand access to 50+ Masterclasses, including slide decks and complete transcripts! And as a limited-time bonus, you’ll also get Shivan Sarna’s The Lymphatic SOS & Rescue Summit

A Functional Approach to Menopause and what can make symptoms worse?
Kelly McCann, MD
Unlocking Mobility: How to Heal Frozen Shoulder & Boost Your Health with Fascia Decompression
Deanna Hansen, Block Therapy
Sleep Treatments: Herbs and More (Part 2)
Mona Morstein, ND
Healing the Autoimmune-Trauma Connection Through the Chakra System
Keesha Ewers, FMD
Ozone Therapy: How a relatively unknown therapy can help with menopause
Tobias Segal, Ozone Therapy Expert
Reclaiming Your Rhythm: How Physiologic HRT is Transforming Lives Across the Hormonal Spectrum
Rebecca Provorse, ND
You were meant to Pause: Embracing the magic of Meno(pause) (Part 2)
Sharon Stills, NMD
Mastering Perimenopause and Menopause
Nat Kringoudis, Hormone Expert
The Nervous System R.E.S.E.T.
Alex Howard, Trauma Expert
The Gut and Hormones Interplay: How the Gut Affects Hormone Health and Vice Versa
Lisa Shaver, ND, LaC

Get ongoing, on-demand access to 50+ Masterclasses, including slide decks and complete transcripts! And as a limited-time bonus, you’ll also get Shivan Sarna’s The Lymphatic SOS & Rescue Summit

Gut Feeling: Rebalancing Hormones, Libido and Weight in Menopause
Betsy Greenleaf, DO, FACOOG (Distinguished), FACOG, FPMRS, FAAOPM, MBA
Beyond Calcium: The Ultimate Guide to Bone Health and Happiness During Menopause
Margie Bissinger, MS, PT, CHC
The Science Of Red Light
Andy Mant,
Energy Expert
Women’s Health: Fertility, Menopause, and Beyond
Alicia Galvin, MEd, RD, LD, IFNCP
Safe Hormone Replacement & Your Genetics (Advanced)
Betty Murray, PhD, CNS, MS, IFMCP
Breaking the Pain Cycle: The Secret to a Pain-Free Menopause
Rodger Murphree, ND
Hormone Testing: How to Identify Your Hormone Story
Liz Bartman, ND, BSc
The Perimenopause Hormone Reset
Jennifer Woodward, MS
Medical Mysteries: Metals and Stealth Infections – What you need to know for perimenopause, menopause, and beyond
Nafysa Parpia, ND
Beyond Hormones: Causes and Solutions for Low Libido, Pelvic Pain and Pain with Sex
Diane Mueller, ND, DAOM, LAc

Get ongoing, on-demand access to 50+ Masterclasses, including slide decks and complete transcripts! And as a limited-time bonus, you’ll also get Shivan Sarna’s The Lymphatic SOS & Rescue Summit

Your Hormones and an Unexpected Conversation about Alcohol
Tabatha Barber, DO, FACOOG, NCMP, IFMCP
Building Better Balance Now… To avoid future falls!
Ginny Hartnett, ATSI
From Anxious to Empowered Menopause: New Possibilities Where Medical Anthropology Meets Functional Medicine
Traci Potterf, PhD
Rock Your Menopause with Nutrigenomics: Unlock the Power of Your Genes for a Smoother Journey
Andreanna Rainville, RN, LMP
Your Menopause Microbiome (Advanced)
Betty Murray, PhD, MS, IFMCP
Debunking the Estrogen Myths: How HRT Can Support Heart Health, Brain Function, and Longevity
Karen Martel, Hormone Expert
Maintaining Intimacy During Mood Changes, Anxiety and Depression
Diane Mueller, ND, DAOM, Lac
Is It Mold Or Is It Menopause?
Peter Osborne, DC, PScD, DACBN
Personal Financial Mastery
Holly Carroccio, CFP, Finance Expert
The Intersection of Hormonal Imbalance, Gut Function and Leaky Gut
Angela Pifer, MS, FMN, LCN, CN

Get ongoing, on-demand access to 50+ Masterclasses, including slide decks and complete transcripts! And as a limited-time bonus, you’ll also get Shivan Sarna’s The Lymphatic SOS & Rescue Summit

A Personal Note from Your Host,

Shivan Sarna

Can I be real with you for a moment?

Menopause knocked me flat. The mood swings, the sleepless nights, the feeling that my body had turned into a stranger… I was very frustrated.

But here’s what changed everything: I started asking questions. And boy, did I find answers.

That’s why I’ve brought together top menopause experts for this summit. They’ve shared insights that have revolutionized how I understand and experience this phase of life.

Now, I want to pass this life-changing wisdom on to you. Imagine waking up feeling like yourself again.

Imagine having the energy to chase your dreams, the confidence to speak your truth, and the tools to navigate this transition with grace and power.

That’s what this summit is all about.

If you’re tired of feeling dismissed by doctors, misunderstood by loved ones, or betrayed by your own body, you’re in the right place.

This isn’t just another health event. It’s a lifeline to the vibrant, confident you that’s waiting to emerge. Are you ready to transform your menopause experience? Let’s do this together.

With warmth and excitement,


When you purchase this summit, you’ll also get...

Bonus #1

The Lymphatic SOS & Rescue Summit

(Total value $197)


Bonus #2

The Menopause Rescue eBook Bundle

(value of $116 – yours FREE)

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The New Science & Wisdom of Menopause Summit

SAVE $100


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